About Pomelo

Future Credit Network

Imagine the ability to get finance with out comprising your data by simply providing your credit score and identification. Our network will be able to provide you with a stable, secure, and transparent platform to get finance whilst never compromising your data. The ability to provide a facility to get finance without compromising your data is a key to the future of the future. This ability allows your data and personal information to be kept private and secure. However it also allows you to never comprimise your ability to receive institutional finance. This access will allow you to get the best possible loan without disclosiing your personal information.

Real World Cypto

A blockhain protocol with a difference is the ability to store and transfer data without the need for a central authority. This means that the data is stored in a decentralized network, and the network can be trusted to be secure. Gaining access to the data is as simple as sending a transaction to the network. The ability to utilise the blockhain for real world transactions and transfers is the reality we expect from the future. As we build a system that could utilise the blockhain for real world transactions, we would be able to provide a secure and transparent platform for real world transactions. Shop anywhere and transact with your crypto assets without the need for a central authority.

Community Driven

Every user is a participant in the idea of our user driven network deciding the future of the network by voting on the future of the network. A decentralised network is a network where every user is a participant in the decision making process. This means that every user is able to decide the future of the network. This is a key to the future that we believe should be achieved. For the future of the network, we are building a community governed network. This would allow the community to decide the operational mechanics of the network. This would allow society to decide the future of the network rather than a group of individuals or financial institutions.

Payment Protocol

The Pomelo payment protocol is a decentralized payment protocol that is built on top of the Matic blockchain. It is designed to be used in a decentralized network, and is designed to be used in a decentralized financial payment protocol. The vision is to create a payment protocol that is secure, reliable, and fast. This will be achieved by utilising the Matic blockchain, and the Matic network. The mechanism is will allow a user to send a payment request by utilising a token to an one time payment card. The payment request will be sent to the Matic network, and the payment will be made using the blockchain. The conversion will be maintained by utilising an exchange rate conversion to the users localised currency.