We believe in seamless payment systems and decentralized payment channels. We believe in the power of the blockchain and the future of the financial system. The idea is to create a platform that will allow anyone to create a payment channel and receive payments in a secure and transparent way. As we grow, we will be able to create more payment channels and more payment channels will be able to receive payments. We utilise a proof-of-stake system to ensure that only the most trusted parties can create payment channels. Our dApp will be available on the web, mobile and desktop.
Our belief is that the future of the financial system is the future of the world. A world where people can be free to make their own decisions and be free to live their own lives. The future of the decentralized financial system is the fundamental idea of the world. Our belief is that our financial payment protocol will allow users in the real world to interact with the blockchain with no intermediaries. The ethos behind Pomelo is to have a free open and transparent payment protocol whilst maintaining the security of the blockchain. As the popularity of the blockchain increases, we can utilise the concept of flashloans to create a more transparent and secure financial borrowing mechanism.
The future is a decentralized financial system for the world. A truly global decentralized scalable network for the world. A future we believe in. Our future is to create a decentralized financial eco-system that will allow users to stake and earn rewards whilst spending using our payment protocol. This can allow society to spend their tokens freely and democratically. Users spending their tokens will be able to earn rewards for their actions.